Callum Johnstone
2004-02-14 10:44:50 UTC
Source: The Scotsman
Waverley taxi fees stifle public transport, claims SNP
Efforts to create an integrated public transport system in Edinburgh
are being hampered by inflated charges for taxis using the capital's
railway stations, it was claimed yesterday.
New figures show that taxi owners are charged an annual fee of £360
for Edinburgh Waverley station, compared with just £56 for Glasgow
Queen Street.
Kenny MacAskill, an SNP MSP for the Lothians, said Network Rail was
undermining efforts to improve public transport system. "Railtrack may
have been able to get away with this while it was part of the private
sector but for a public body like Network Rail to charge taxis such a
huge amount is absolutely outrageous," he said.
Mr MacAskill, the SNP transport spokesman, also criticised Scotrail's
fees for Queen Street Station in Glasgow and Haymarket Station,
claiming that, while they were lower - £56 for Queen Street; £180 for
Haymarket - they were still a significant deterrent for taxis looking
for custom at stations.
Jim McDonald, the chairman of Central Taxis, agreed that the system
was manifestly unfair: "Nobody should be paying to pick up fares at a
public transport place. By doing this Network Rail are not giving the
customers a proper service," he said.
A spokesman for Network Rail said: "We operate a health and safety
policy, and Network Rail needs a way of controlling who comes in and
who goes out of the station."
He said that the figure had been arrived at through discussions with
the Edinburgh Taxi Operators Association.
A spokesman for ScotRail said: "There is no shortage of taxi drivers
willing to pay what we ask at stations. The charge is not a
Waverley taxi fees stifle public transport, claims SNP
Efforts to create an integrated public transport system in Edinburgh
are being hampered by inflated charges for taxis using the capital's
railway stations, it was claimed yesterday.
New figures show that taxi owners are charged an annual fee of £360
for Edinburgh Waverley station, compared with just £56 for Glasgow
Queen Street.
Kenny MacAskill, an SNP MSP for the Lothians, said Network Rail was
undermining efforts to improve public transport system. "Railtrack may
have been able to get away with this while it was part of the private
sector but for a public body like Network Rail to charge taxis such a
huge amount is absolutely outrageous," he said.
Mr MacAskill, the SNP transport spokesman, also criticised Scotrail's
fees for Queen Street Station in Glasgow and Haymarket Station,
claiming that, while they were lower - £56 for Queen Street; £180 for
Haymarket - they were still a significant deterrent for taxis looking
for custom at stations.
Jim McDonald, the chairman of Central Taxis, agreed that the system
was manifestly unfair: "Nobody should be paying to pick up fares at a
public transport place. By doing this Network Rail are not giving the
customers a proper service," he said.
A spokesman for Network Rail said: "We operate a health and safety
policy, and Network Rail needs a way of controlling who comes in and
who goes out of the station."
He said that the figure had been arrived at through discussions with
the Edinburgh Taxi Operators Association.
A spokesman for ScotRail said: "There is no shortage of taxi drivers
willing to pay what we ask at stations. The charge is not a